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Featuring Jerma A. Jackson (UNC History) and Elizabeth Manekin (Ackland Head of University Programs and Academic Projects)

Join us for a virtual version of Art for Lunch, our interview-style talk with the Ackland’s Elizabeth Manekin and a UNC faculty member whose classes engage with the Museum’s collection. This week, professor Jerma Jackson joins Elizabeth to discuss how her class “African American History Since 1865” uses objects in the Ackland’s collection.

Bring your lunch–and questions of your own–for this lively, conversational program.


Photograph of multicolor quilt by Irene Williams
Irene Williams, American, 1920-2015: "Quilt (Lazy Gal/Housetop variation)," 2004; textile, 94 x 79 in. (238.8 x 200.7 cm), Ackland Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gift of the Arnett Collection and Ackland Fund, 2010.52.8

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