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Register for a special opportunity to participate in a Study Day with scholars of The Unfinished Business of Unsettled Things, the publication that accompanies the Ackland’s current exhibition Unsettled Things: Art from an African American South. Laura Bickford, Michael J. Bramwell, Bernard L. Herman, and Lauren Turner will each lead short gallery discussions about individual works of art in the exhibition, expanding on what we might learn from looking closely at objects as well as how the study of this group of southern artists allows us the opportunity to push the boundaries of what constitutes American art.  

Participants should add free tickets for each of the four individual sessions they’d like to attend. Space is very limited for each session.

This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

Lonnie Holley, American, born 1950, What Was Beyond Us (The Ocean of Our Thoughts), 2019, globe and stand, model ships, rocks, earth, moss, and cast iron pot, 40 1/2 x 19 in. (102.9 x 48.3 cm). Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Promised gift of John A. Powell, ’77, L2020.10.1a-o. © 2022 Lonnie Holley / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.


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